Resource Library

CEO Open Letter – VALID stands against independent assessments

Yet, the NDIA have already decided that independent assessments will go ahead and that they will be mandatory. They have not done the research or evaluation necessary to prove that independent assessments will work for people with intellectual disability, particularly for people with multiple disabilities and people with complex support needs. The NDIA have not answered our questions about how independent assessments will be used to determine an individual’s support needs.

Experiences of people with disability during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic report

The report makes 22 wide-ranging recommendations in light of evidence from people with disability, advocates, experts and government representatives during the Royal Commission’s fifth public hearing held in August. Chair Ronald Sackville AO QC said it was clear that official lines of communication had failed between decision-makers and people with disability, leaving them feeling “forgotten and ignored”.

Allied health Capability Framework: Disability and complex support needs

Allied health professionals play an important role in delivering the NDIS. The framework develops the skills and knowledge of allied health professionals to better provide high-quality, person-centred support that promotes choice and control for people with disability and complex support needs.

Something Stronger – Truth-telling on hurt and loss, strength and healing, from First Nations people with disability’

This report was commissioned by the Disability Royal Commission and looks at how First Nations people with disability speak about their experience of violence and abuse. It finds that First Nations people with disability are less likely to discuss issues of violence and abuse with others outside their community because their experiences are too ‘raw’ to talk about. They often mention the terms ‘loss’ and ‘lost’ in reference to traumatic events.

Supporting communication in and contribution to NDIS planning conversations for autistic adults with complex support needs and their parents and carers

This resource offers practical strategies to support communication to help prepare, plan and participate in planning conversations for the NDIS. It is designed in two parts and includes: Part 1: Information for parents and carers and Part 2: the Having a say in the NDIS Easy English booklet for autistic adults.

Disability Royal Commission Interim report

The report sets out what the Royal Commission has done in its first 15 months, the cut-off point being 31 July 2020.  The report says people with disability experience attitudinal, environmental, institutional and communication barriers to achieving inclusion within Australian society.  It shows that a great deal needs to be done to ensure that the human rights of people with disability are respected and that Australia becomes a truly inclusive society.

Resources to help GPs support patients to access the NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is designed to help people living with a significant and permanent disability live their best life. GPs play a very important role in helping patients to determine potential eligibility by gathering the crucial information that provides the evidence base required to access supports through the Scheme. This co-designed suite of resources guides GPs in supporting their patients through the NDIS, or more easily identify if patients could be eligible to benefit from the Scheme.

Your Story, Disability Legal Support

Your Story Disability Legal Support is a free national service funded to give information and legal advice to people about safely sharing their story with the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability. National Legal Aid and the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal services are funded by The Australian Government to deliver the national service. There are three lawyers who work for Your Story in Victoria – Dayle Partridge and Michelle Bowler based at Victoria Legal Aid and Anna Potter based at the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service. They will outline the scope of the service and referral pathways and how to work together effectively with advocacy organisations.

DSP Help: An online resource

Applications for the DSP are too often rejected due to the lack of sufficient medical evidence. DSP Help has a medical evidence bot that helps you to get the best supportive documentation from your medical specialist which gives you the best chance of having your application approved. Dermott Williams is a Community Lawyer at Social Security Rights Victoria who has been involved with the development of DSP Help and he introduces you to the bot and many other features of this exciting new online resource.

New Guardian and Administration Act (2019)

The new Guardianship and Administration Act 2019 came into effect on 1 March 2020. The new Act includes a presumption that a person has the capacity to make decisions unless evidence is provided otherwise and recognises that a person also has decision-making capacity if they can make decisions with support. This is an important shift away from the best interest approach to one where it is acknowledged that decisions should reflect the person’s will and preferences, unless it would cause serious harm to the person. Join Dr Norman Chia, an Advocate Guardian at the Office of the Public advocate, as he step us through the newly created Supported Decision Maker roles under the Act.

Victorian Disability Worker Registration Scheme

The Victorian Disability Worker Commission forms part of the Victorian Government’s “zero tolerance” approach to abuse of people with disability. It opened for business, launched on 1 July 2020. The role of the Commission is to ensure that people with disability receive greater safety and quality services, workers have the necessary skills, experience and qualifications and stop people who pose a serious risk of harm from providing disability services. Dan Stubbs is the Victorian Disability Worker Commissioner and he joins us to provide information about the new regulations introduced for disability workers. This includes new compliance obligations for workers and service providers under the new Disability Service Safeguards Code of Conduct , mandatory notifications and notifiable conduct, along with a new complaints service for sector audiences.

A horrific playground incident: how one school failed its students


Kimberly’s sunny, athletic and inquisitive about everything. But for years she harboured terrible secrets about what happened to her. Janine Fitzpatrick investigates why her school failed to heed credible warnings that she was in danger.

Accessibility of Tram Services

Melbourne’s tram network is a crucial public transport mode, with 205 million trips taken each year. In Victoria, 17 per cent of the population lives with some form of disability. A person with a mobility restriction cannot have, in any practical sense, an accessible tram journey without both a level-access stop and a low-floor tram. This report finds that tram services are not meeting the accessibility needs of passengers with mobility restrictions. In 2018–19, only 15 per cent of tram services delivered a low-floor tram at a level-access stop.

Bushfire safety and preparedness for people with disability

There are two online training modules that have been designed to assist  disability workers operating in,  or working with people with disability, in high risk bushfire areas.

The modules include:
1. Bushfire safety for workers – For any person who works in, or travels through, high risk areas over summer to learn about the risks, what preparedness means and how to stay safe on the roads and survive.
2. Bushfire planning: How to support your clients – For any person working with clients or patients in their homes, supporting them to live independently. You will learn about different types of risk environments, your responsibility in helping your clients as well as questions to get the bushfire safety conversation going and tips on how to build the Bushfire Survival Plan to leave early.