Resource Library

Report on the key elements of the legislative framework affecting people with disability

Are you interested in knowing more about laws that affect people with disability? This research report lists key elements of legislation covering people with disability in national, state and territory jurisdictions in a range of areas including housing, employment, transport, NDIS, civil and criminal law to name a few.

The Disability Gateway

The Disability Gateway has information and services to help people with disability, their family, friends and carers, to find the support they need in Australia. It covers support in 10 areas of life such as housing, transport, legal and rights, and education.

Vital support for Australians with disability cancelled during COVID-19 pandemic

Disabled and other vulnerable Australians were among the worst affected when parts of the country shut down to defeat COVID-19. Its estimated around a third of people living with disability weren’t able to access vital support because services were cancelled, leaving them even more isolated and vulnerable. That’s also highlighted just how difficult it can be to access that support in the first place.

Specialist Disability Accommodation – Supply in Australia

This report provides an update on the growth of Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) across Australia and shares insights into current market sentiment. The data in this report results from a survey of SDA providers in October and November 2020. This is the third annual report of its type. Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is housing that … Continued

Practice Guidelines for Identifying and Treating Complex Trauma-Related Dissociation

Complex trauma-related dissociation underlies diverse presentations to health professionals and is often not detected. This means that many people do not receive appropriate responses and care. These Practice Guidelines for Identifying and Treating Complex Trauma-related Dissociation are for clinicians who work in a range of roles, come from different disciplines and have received diverse training but who want to enhance their ability to recognise and work with people experiencing complex trauma-related dissociation.

NDIS Worker Screening Check

The National Disability Insurance Scheme Worker Screening Check (NDIS Check) will start on 1 February 2021. The NDIS Check is a way to ensure that people who work with NDIS participants do not present an unacceptable risk to participants.

The right to sex when you live with disability

If you live with disability, sexual intimacy can become less straightforward and, if the barriers are significant enough, you might need some assistance from trained professionals. The NDIS has sought to change its rules to invalidate a Federal Court decision that granted one woman living with MS the ability to use NDIS funding to pay for sex workers. This discussion has thrown a spotlight on the rights and sexual needs of people with disability.

Community Visitors Annual Report 2020-21

Community Visitors are volunteers who play a vital role in safeguarding the rights of people with disability and fostering their inclusion in the community.  This is an annual report  that identifies a range of issues critical to the safety, treatment, care and human rights ofVictorians  who, due to their disabilities, require 24-hour care in state- regulated or managed services. The challenges presented by the pandemic and the ensuing lockdowns, required   service provision to pivot  to remote contact by phone or video when prevented from visiting disability group homes, mental health units and Supported Residential Services (SRS) in person.  Facilities could only be attended in person for 65 per cent of the year due to lockdowns.

Report: General issues around the implementation and performance of the NDIS

The report provides an update on the committee’s recent activities and makes 10 recommendations to improve the NDIS for participants, providers and other key stakeholders.  The activities focus on independent assessments and the COVID-19 pandemic.  

NDIS Workforce Interim Report

This is an interim report which makes 14 recommendations to address key issues facing the NDIS workforce. The committee will continue to consider these issues next year and intends to present a final report on the NDIS workforce to Parliament in 2021.

Flexibility in individual funding schemes: How well did Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme support remote learning for students with disability during COVID‐19?

This research abstract reports on a survey of over 700 families that explored how Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) supported children and young people and their families to learn remotely during COVID‐19. The results suggest that participant experiences varied widely, with some people able to make the changes they required and others left with a significant service gap. This shows that individual funding schemes are not necessarily more flexible than traditional systems in an emergency situation.

Accessible parking permit scheme

A pilot of the new Accessible Parking Permit (APP) Scheme and online administration system is underway.  They replace the previous Victorian Code for the Disabled Persons Parking Scheme and individual council administration systems.  From Monday 30th November, residents and organisations located in limited Council areas who require a new permit or need to renew or replace their current permit will apply online through the new system. It is anticipated that the remaining Victorian councils will transition to the new Scheme and APP Online Service in 2021.

NDIS Planning Final Report

For years, participants, advocacy groups and the sector have been calling for reform in the planning arena. This inquiry, including the committee’s interim report tabled in December 2019, and the Review of the NDIS Act and the new NDIS Participant Service Guarantee (Tune Review) make broad-ranging recommendations to address long-standing issues with the planning process. committee made 14 recommendations in its interim report and it makes another 42 recommendations in this final report. These recommendations are intended to bring greater transparency, consistency and accountability to how the NDIS is administered and implemented.

Aged care and COVID-19: a special report

The COVID-19 pandemic has been the greatest challenge Australia’s aged care sector has faced. Those who have suffered the most have been the residents, their families and aged care staff. The report is the result of a hearing of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety into the impact of COVID-19 on aged care, which was held in Sydney from 10 to 13 August 2020.