Flexibility in individual funding schemes: How well did Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme support remote learning for students with disability during COVID‐19?

This research abstract reports on a survey of over 700 families that explored how Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) supported children and young people and their families to learn remotely during COVID‐19.

The results suggest that participant experiences varied widely, with some people able to make the changes they required and others left with a significant service gap. This shows that individual funding schemes are not necessarily more flexible than traditional systems in an emergency situation.

This research also highlights problems with the interface between the NDIS and mainstream services such as education.

Read full abstract (off-site)
Education, Emergency management, NDIS

Sophie Yates, Helen Dickinson, Catherine Smith & Massimiliano Tani

Date published:
Wed 25th Nov, 2020