Resource Library

Public hearing 3 report – The experience of living in a group home for people with disability

The Royal Commission held a public hearing in Melbourne from Monday 2 December to Friday 6 December 2019. It inquired into homes and living for people with disability in Victoria and particularly the experiences of people who have lived or are currently living in group homes. This report finds that the closure of large institutions housing people with disability, with the resulting development of group homes has not eliminated institutional forms of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation experienced by people with disability, particularly those with serious intellectual disabilities.

Children with disability and the NDIS

This broad suite of NDIS related content has been designed to support parents and carers of children with disability to navigate the NDIS. It has been developed in collaboration with subject matter experts.

Making better disability tech

Whether permanent, temporary or as result of age, millions of Australians will experience a form of disability. How do we make tech more inclusive? Meet some of the innovators with lived experience of disability driving tech innovation in Australia.

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Shining a light on Social Transformation

This report was commissioned by the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability. It investigates the early rights movement of people with disability, which “exposed the power relations inherent to the medical model of disability. The report acknowledges that the disability rights movement in Australia has driven important policy and legislative reform for people with disability. However, ‘it has not led to the social transformation required’ by the UN’s Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).

Resources to support incident reporting, management and prevention

These resources are designed to support NDIS providers to meet their obligations under the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 and to develop effective incident management systems. They provide information on the benefits of effective incident management, reportable incident obligations and timeframes, and incident management system requirements.

Independent review into circumstances relating to the death of Ann-Marie Smith

The Hon. Alan Robertson SC was appointed to conduct an independent review into the NDIS Commission’s regulation of the provider of NDIS supports and services to Ms Ann-Marie Smith, an NDIS participant who died on 6 April 2020 in appalling circumstances.

Disability meets disaster – case studies

Disasters amplify the existing fault lines already experienced by people with disability to live an ordinary life. The best way to truly understand the impact of disasters on people with disability is to hear their stories first hand. Let’s hear what Mark, Tim and James experienced in the midst of 2020’s disasters.

How to have more accessible online meetings

the ‘Future of Meetings Symposium’ hosted by the CSIRO was held online during the week starting 16 September 2020.  DARU was invited to present a pre-recorded 15 minute video about how to make online meetings more accessible for people with disability.   Watch the presentation.

Understanding behaviour support arrangements

This webinar was held on 27 August 2020 as part of the ‘Embracing Change’ series and is now available on demand. It was designed to guide you through practical examples that will assist in understanding behaviour supports under the NDIS, including behaviour support requirements and practical tools.

Building choice, control and confidence

This submission is in response to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) discussion paper on Support Coordination.

The quality of NDS plans, including the provision of Support Coordination funding, largely depends on people’s capacity to learn about and understand the system and to self-advocate. People experiencing multiple and intersecting forms of disadvantage and isolation face greater challenges at every stage of the NDIS journey, from finding out how it works to accessing the Scheme, developing a plan and connecting to services.

Bridging the gaps and playing safe in crisis

People with disability have the right to be supported and stay safe through disasters just like everyone else. This panel session distilled the issues and failures that have been thrown up so far in this year of disasters, and then moved the focus to finding practical solutions to make crisis management inclusive. Bridget Tehan is the Policy Advisor Emergency Management at VCOSS and she facilitated this discussion with her guests Christina Ryan, CEO, Disability Leadership Institute, Adrian Terranova, Executive Officer, Gippsland Disability Advocacy Inc, Michele Watson, Coordinator for Community Programs, Aged & Disability Services and Deputy Municipal Recovery Manager at Yarra City Council and Angela Cook, Project Manager, Community Engagement, Country Fire Authority.

Preparing Vulnerable People Project & Person Centred Risk Assessment

Angela Cook, Project Manager, Community Engagement from the Country Fire Authority shares details of the ‘Preparing Vulnerable People’ project. The resources that have been developed as part of the project recognise that people with disability are in the best position to plan for their own safety in the event of a bushfire, because they know what they are able to do for themselves and what assistance is needed before, during and after an emergency.

Disability inclusive disaster preparedness

Associate Professor Michelle Villeneuve, Centre for Disability Research and Policy, University of Sydney, led the DISABILITY INCLUSIVE DISASTER PREPAREDNESS IN NSW project. She outlines the key findings and steps to making a disaster management plan that is truly inclusive of people with disability.