Resource Library

Compensation and your plan

The NDIA will account for compensation payments a participant receives for personal injury, if the NDIS has or may, provide supports for the same injury.

Family Violence Response for Women with Disabilities Guides

When working with a woman with disability who is experiencing violence, it is important to support her in a safe and culturally sensitive way. This resource outlines the best practice response to violence against women with disabilities and provides a list of services that can help.

Ep06: Human rights and disability

Hear Leah van Poppel, alongside ermha365’s Social Policy and Advocacy Advisory Isabel Calvert, discuss the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and how it impacts on the disability sector.

Don’t Give Up, Use Your Superpower

Jasmine Jarvis, interviews PhD Candidate Jerusha Mather as she discusses her PhD journey in medical & biological sciences, her motor function in adults with cerebral palsy research, why having cerebral palsy made her stronger, and the importance of inclusivity in STEM research.

More than isolated: the experience of children and young people with disability and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic

The main message of this report is that urgent action is needed to attend to the many inequities that people with disability and their families and carers face on a daily basis. Without movement on these issues, any future widespread emergencies will again produce substantial destabilisation for these households, with similarly detrimental impacts. This report sets out the key findings of the survey, devised by Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA), that captures the impact of COVID-19 on children and young people and their families and identifies unmet needs for resources and information as well as identifying areas requiring responses and future research priorities.

Disability support services: services provided under the National Disability Agreement 2018–19

In 2018–19, about 230,000 people used disability support services funded under the National Disability Agreement (NDA). Of these, 68% used the Australian Government’s open employment services. During the year, about 29,200 NDA service users transitioned to the National Disability Insurance Scheme, many of whom (65%) had an intellectual or learning primary disability.

Experiences Of People With Disability During COVID-19: Survey Results

Australians with disability represent some of the most excluded of all Australians in relation to the impacts of coronavirus. At the same time, many people with disability are particularly at risk from COVID-19, because of barriers that exist to inclusion, and the need for ongoing support. This report sets out the findings from a survey that asked 200 people with disability about their experiences over the last two months.

COVID-19 Insights: Towards just futures

This research provides insight into the impacts of COVID-19 on people with disability and offers some directions for recovery post-COVID The COVID-19 pandemic poses immediate risks for people with disability and their families and carers who experience higher vulnerability to COVID-19 due to pre-existing health conditions and reliance on support workers and disruption to essential supports and services particularly for those who struggle online. Some of the key actions include embedding strong governance and co-design by people with disability across all public policy and investing in community-based solutions which maximise existing resources and build inclusion.

Disability support toolkit for front line workers supporting people with disability who have been impacted by violence and abuse.

The toolkit has resources for frontline workers and   1800RESPECT counsellors who now provide improved support to people with disability who are impacted by violence and abuse. The Toolkit is a result of the Disability Pathways Project, which aimed to improve responses for people with disability who have been impacted by sexual assault, domestic and family violence.

Australian Disability Intermediaries Sector Report

This inaugural flagship report for the Intermediaries Sector exposes challenges within the operating and policy environment and features the results from the inaugural Intermediary Sector Survey which 461 intermediary service providers responded to. The administrative burden of NDIS systems and processes frustrate providers, with 61% of respondents strongly disagreeing or disagreeing that systems and process in the NDIS are working well, however, despite this, the sector is responding and meeting Participant demand.

Supported Independent Living Report

The committee was very critical of how complicated and confusing the whole process was – and just how little had changed over the last few years. The report makes 45 sensible and  practical recommendations – including making things simpler, easier and faster. And giving people more support so they can genuinely explore alternatives. Importantly, the committee also recommended more funding for advocacy so that people have support to make choices for themselves about where they live, who they live with and how they want to live their lives.

Human rights at the heart of response

While the COVID-19 pandemic threatens all members of society, persons with disabilities are disproportionately impacted due to attitudinal, environmental and institutional barriers that are reproduced in the COVID-19 response. This guidance note sets out key actions Governments and stakeholders can take to support people with disabilities during the pandemic. 

10 steps to excellent NDIS therapy reports: VALID’s guide to NDIS therapist reports for allied health professionals

This 20-page good practice guide and associated Easy Read videos, will help allied health professionals develop excellent reports that provide the evidence the NDIS needs to get the best outcomes. NDIS participants, families, Local Area Coordinators, and Support Coordinators will also find this guide valuable when they are commissioning therapy reports. It will assist in determining whether a report is of a high standard.

Advokit: An advocacy hub for COVID-19

AdvoKit is a pop-up website that gives you all the advocacy information you need in one place. All resources offer plain language summaries of the key information so you can get the information you need quickly and easily.

Statement of Concern – COVID-19: Human rights, disability and ethical decision-making

This Statement of Concern is made by internationally recognised independent experts in the area of human rights, bioethics and disability who have come together to emphasise key human rights principles and standards that need to underpin ethical decision-making in the context of disability and the COVID-19 pandemic.