Research reports

Disability and health data compendium

With the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme and the development of state and local government plans, disability is now a key concern at every level of Australian government. The purpose of this compendium is to highlight, raise awareness and illustrate the opportunities that exist for disability researchers in Australia.

Background paper: changing demographics and dynamics of aged care

The background paper puts Australia’s ageing population under the microscope. It explores complex issues associated with the country’s changing demographic profile, including changes in patterns of disease and dependency, the rising incidence of dementia, changing expectations and the changing cultural profile of the Australian community. It also explores current arrangements, future pressures and a greater need for preventative and restorative health.

Seclusion Report: How safe is your hospital?

This report ranks 23 hospital-based mental health services on how often they use seclusion. The report, based on official data, has revealed that the use of seclusion has risen in Victoria in recent years, with some hospitals breaching state guidelines and failing to meet key benchmarks designed to keep the practice at a minimum

Group Self Advocacy Partnership Project: Report & model

‘Many people with cognitive disability and complex communication support needs are discriminated against, and are yet to be fully included in Australian society. Because of this self advocacy groups continue to work to create an equal society where all people are included and respected. This report proposes models for how to successfully run projects in partnership with a range of organisations and self advocacy groups.

Barriers and exclusions: The support needs of newly arrived refugees with a disability

For a multitude of reasons, people from refugee backgrounds are more likely to have a disability than other populations. Up until 2012, people with disabilities or with serious health concerns were excluded from Australia’s resettlement program. In 2012 a policy change meant that  Australia allowed refuges with disability to be granted visas. However , this … Continued

Culture is Inclusion: A narrative of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability.

Written from the personal accounts of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability, researcher Scott Avery has complied a narrative that transports the reader to another world, hidden to most Australians. It is a world in which people are exposed to social inequality and injustices that most other Australians take for granted. Despite overwhelming disadvantage, these proud and resilient people continue to defy their experience by embracing their traditional culture of an inclusive society.

Report on Government Services 2019

This is a recurring report.

Part F, chapter 15 includes Services for People with Disability. This chapter reports on the Australian, State and Territory governments’ assistance provided to people with disability and their carers.

Disability, thoughts of suicide and Australian men

It’s a difficult subject, but men in Australia are much more at risk of having suicidal thoughts than women; now, new research looks at what this means for Australian men with a disability

VicHealth Indicators Survey Supplementary report: Disability

The survey collected information on a range of factors known to influence individual and community wellbeing including safety, mental wellbeing, physical activity, healthy eating and alcohol consumption. The results show inequities in health and wellbeing exist for Victorians with disability compared to those without disability, particularly in the areas of physical activity and mental health and wellbeing. 

Poor disability support practices highlighted

The DSC (Disability Services Commissioner) 2018 annual report and review of disability service provision to people who have died 2017–18 was tabled in Victorian Parliament on the 19/12/2018.

Building Employer Demand

In order to determine barriers different employers and businesses in Australia face to employing people with disability, The Department of Social Services (DSS)  commissioned Kantar Public  to undertake a program of research with employers.