
Children in prison deserve proper healthcare

In juvenile detention facilities and in adult prisons right across Australia, the incarcerated are excluded from Medicare and denied the same level of healthcare as the rest of us. They are denied the PBS. They are also denied the opportunity to access the NDIS. Think about this — our Federal Government denies Medicare to gaoled children as young as ten-year-olds.

Strong stance on sexual expression rights welcome

“This is an issue of human rights. People with a disability have the right to seek sexual expression. It is also vital that they remain in control of making decisions about sexual expression.

What I’ve learned as a disabled person from the Covid-19 pandemic

I have lived over 50 years with my lifelong disabilities. I thought my understanding of disability was fully formed and realistic. But I think that in the long run, what I will remember most vividly from this pandemic is the lessons I am learning about disabled people and their true place in American society.

Communicating for change

As a proud person with a disability, El Gibbs has spent her career communicating and amplifying the voices of the disability community during times of crisis and triumph. She’s this week’s Changemaker.

Food a human-rights issue for people with disability

Supporting the rights and needs of people with disability for equal access to safe, nutritious and enjoyable food is the call behind Dietitians Australia’s latest submission to the Disability Royal Commission.

Disability Royal Commission Interim report

The report sets out what the Royal Commission has done in its first 15 months, the cut-off point being 31 July 2020.  The report says people with disability experience attitudinal, environmental, institutional and communication barriers to achieving inclusion within Australian society.  It shows that a great deal needs to be done to ensure that the human rights of people with disability are respected and that Australia becomes a truly inclusive society.

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Shining a light on Social Transformation

This report was commissioned by the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability. It investigates the early rights movement of people with disability, which “exposed the power relations inherent to the medical model of disability. The report acknowledges that the disability rights movement in Australia has driven important policy and legislative reform for people with disability. However, ‘it has not led to the social transformation required’ by the UN’s Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).

‘Nothing About Us Without Us’: 16 Moments in the Fight for Disability Rights

The disability civil rights movement has many distinct narratives, but the prevailing themes are of community, justice and equity. As with every other civil rights movement, the fight for disability rights is one that challenges negative attitudes and pushes back against oppression. But it is also more complex.