
Tolerance (or the lack of it!)

Closing date: May 19, 2016

The Rebuttal is an Independent Ezine and website that aims to promote and create discussion about Deaf and hearing impaired issues. This post is an interesting account on the Deaf vs. hearing, signing vs. speech debate and the need for tolerance for different lived experiences of deafness.

Dangerous Deeds Video Exhibition

Dangerous Deeds features art developed by people with disabilities which explores their passions and tells the stories of their involvement in the disability, advocacy and self advocacy movements. This collection of 18 videos includes captioned and audio described (AD) versions. For more information about this project, contact SARU: T: (03) 9639 6856 E:

Redefining the (able) body: disabled performers make their presence felt at the Fringe

As the late, great disability advocate, writer and comedian Stella Young reminded us, valuing difference does not mean adhering to conventional pieties and ignoring the fact that disability presents significant challenges. While performance can “give voice” to authentic narratives of disability, some performers struggle to be heard and understood in the literal sense. When the … Continued

Inspiration porn disables people with disability

In 2014, a disabled woman named Stella Young took the stage at TEDx in Sydney and introduced the audience to the concept of inspiration porn. She explained that disabled people are most commonly seen only in stories and images that pornographically “objectify one group of people for the benefit of another group of people.”

A Sensory Experience

A Sensory Experience explores the world through the eyes and ears of the deaf and blind communities in Victoria and seeks to demystify some of the stereotypes and preconceptions that survive to this day. A Sensory Experience comprises four short films, contemporary essays by prominent community writers, historical photographs and an education kit for secondary … Continued

Music without barriers: providing easy access for deaf and disabled fans

With the number of disabled fans attending gigs doubling, improving accessibility makes sense for venues and audiences Disabled fans want to enjoy live music with their mates. They want the same experience as everyone else. So when we talk about “access”, what we actually mean is “inclusivity”.

Melbourne Comedy Festival Causes Nervous Laughs

Expect some nervous laughter during this year’s Melbourne Comedy Festival, as disability and mental health issues skewer the mood. Proving that humour might well be the best medicine, three comedians share their tales from the front line. Stella Young  ”Special”, ”differently abled” and – worst of all – ”inspirational”. Stella Young, disability activist, journalist and … Continued