
Carly Findlay on centring disability

In this episode, we speak with Carly Findlay about ableism, the media and the new book Growing Up Disabled in Australia.

We deserve to tell the stories of our unique lived experience

Following community outrage at the decision to portray disability in this way, the studio has offered the standard empty “sorry to those who were offended”. But the damage is done. Movie-going children in their millions, whose world views are being actively shaped, will now associate limb difference with being scary and dangerous. They’ve learned a powerful, early lesson that disability is gross and scary.

A horrific playground incident: how one school failed its students


Kimberly’s sunny, athletic and inquisitive about everything. But for years she harboured terrible secrets about what happened to her. Janine Fitzpatrick investigates why her school failed to heed credible warnings that she was in danger.

Supporting people with cognitive disabilities to access supported decision making in contracts for goods and services

This was the second session of the Advocacy Sector Conversations forum held on Zoom webinar for the first time, on 29 July 2020 (due to COVID-19  event restrictions not allowing large gatherings). Yvette Maker, Senior Research Associate, Melbourne Social Equity Institute (University of Melbourne) is part of the research team who has been working with essential and basic service providers, people with cognitive disability, and their representative organisations to develop tools to promote the consumer rights of people with cognitive disability.