Not a one-stop shop: the NDIS in Australia’s social infrastructure

The NDIS was founded upon a three-tier system, with each tier providing a critical and unique contribution to the overall system of support and care for disabled people.

Tier 2 was originally designed to provide for a robust community-based support system, which could offer services not only to NDIS participants, but also to the roughly 4 million disabled people who fell outside of the Tier 3 individualised service provision. The primary forms of support provided in Tier 2 are information and referral services, rather than funded care and support.

This report highlights the declining, sporadic and unpredictable nature of Tier 2 funding. Such funding arrangements are anathema to the creation of a community-based support system since community-based organisations are particularly vulnerable to unpredictable cash flows.


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Michael D’Rosario

Per Capita

Date published:
Thu 30th Mar, 2023