
Crikey Worm: NDIS legal bills hit $10 million a year

Attempts to arrest a dramatic upswing in appeals against the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has led to the responsible agency spending up to $10 million a year on barristers and legal services.

NDIS reviews leave people with disabilities waiting up to nine months for an outcome

People with disabilities are facing delays of up to nine months when they attempt to have their bungled National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plans fixed, an investigation has found. NDIS participants seek reviews when their plan does not fit with their needs, for example if they receive funding for fewer hours of care than needed

Damning report finds NDIS complaints ignored for months

The ombudsman linked the problem to a lack of resourcing, competing priorities and pressure on the NDIA to meet its rollout targets. The finding is likely to be seized on by Labor, which has long complained that the staffing cap imposed on the NDIA is hobbling the rollout of the landmark scheme.

Fears NDIA will force people into shared accommodation settings

The NDIA recently released a Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Provider and Investor Brief, outlining the agency’s latest policy position for disability housing. The brief indicated that only a “very small number…of a very small percentage” of NDIS participants would be funded to live alone in SDA.

Family frustrated over NDIS as they grapple with caring for father with rare form of dementia

Ms Boileau said she has been trying to get home modifications and nursing support through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for 18 months. She would like a sliding door so she can take her husband outside, a bath so she can wash him properly, and support staff so they can get much-needed rest. But so far they have been disappointed, and after months of dealing with the new system they are exhausted.

Australia needs lasting consensus on NDIS funding

People with disability, their families, carers and advocates deserve the certainty of a National Disability Insurance Scheme which is sustainable, writes Bruce Bonyhady. Fortunately, a blueprint for the best way forward – which would also strengthen the sustainability of the NDIS – is clear from the Productivity Commission reports on the NDIS in both 2011 … Continued

People with disability demand action to fund and fix NDIS

Grassroots advocacy group Every Australian Counts has released data from a survey of more than 2,200 NDIS participants, their families and sector workers, about what they think needs to change about the NDIS.

NDIS Evaluation Consolidated Report

This report contains findings based on all data collections undertaken over the course of the evaluation, including surveys and interviews with NDIS participants, their families and carers, disability support providers, and other stakeholders. The NDIS was found to work best for participants and families who could “strongly advocate for themselves”, and left people with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities as well as older carers with health issues, at a disadvantage.

Reasonable and Necessary podcast series

This series of 5 podcasts aims to make sense of the NDIS. Join Dr George and his invited guests to discuss a range of topics covering all things NDIS including how the Act works, planning, housing under the NDIS, appeals and implementation.

The NDIS: A personal perspective

Well, the National Disability Insurance Scheme has finally achieved what dealing with the daily challenges of living with a high-level disability (quadriplegia) for 45 years could not. I now hate my disability. I have never felt so powerless, so angry, so hemmed in, so sickened by the injustice I and so many others with disability are facing. I have never felt so disabled. And it is all because of the NDIS.

The issue of equity in the market

Despite less than desirable results, governments are not slowing down the roll out of markets within social service settings. The latest and, arguably, most extensive use of markets is the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).