
Empowering people with disabilities, without exploiting support workers

In this lecture  Professor Tom Shakespeare –  a leading disability expert in the UK and Europe, talks about how new models of social care can facilitate greater flexibility and freedom and empower people with disability, while also present new risks to workers, as support work becomes increasingly insecure.

The NDIS is delivering ‘reasonable and necessary’ supports for some, but others are missing out

There were several reasons participants gave low scores. These included having inadequate funding to meet their needs, planners not understanding their disability, planners producing inconsistent plans, and a lack of transparency as to how decisions were made. These findings support concerns expressed in the sector that staff implementing the NDIS don’t have the necessary skills, training, experience, and resources (including time) to assess reasonable and necessary supports.

The Illusion of ‘choice and control’: The difficulties for people with complex and challenging support needs to obtain adequate supports under the NDIS

The human impact and harm experienced by clients when they receive inadequate supports under the NDIS is significant and the costs to them for this failure, have been enormous. As the client stories in the report demonstrate, people in this cohort experience many challenges in obtaining adequate supports under the NDIS. This report makes fifteen recommendations to improve system, service and operational issues to ensure the scheme delivers the intended transformational benefits for all people with disability.

Choice and control at risk for NDIS participants

Choice and control for National Disability Insurance Scheme participants is at risk due to critical workforce shortages and inadequate market supervision, a parliamentary committee says.

NDIS Participant Booklets

Three participant booklets are available to support people with disability and participants throughout their NDIS journey. They are available for download in PDF, Word and Easy English  and include Booklet 1 – Understanding the NDIS, Booklet 2 – Planning and Booklet 3 – Using your NDIS Plan

Report: Market readiness for provision of services under the NDIS

The challenges for both participants and service providers to transition to a market-led service delivery model cannot be underestimated. Creating a participant enabling environment and developing a competitive marketplace is vital to the success of the Scheme. However, during the course of this inquiry, the committee heard that the NDIA, as the lead market steward, … Continued

Life in limbo: NDIS delays force husband and wife to live apart

The funding request for the equipment Alysia needs – which includes a hoist, a hospital-style bed and crucial modifications to her electric wheelchair – was lodged in March 2017, and has already been approved by the National Disability Insurance Agency. But the labyrinthine bureaucracy involved in getting new equipment – including a mind-boggling seven-step approval process – means Alysia has still not received it, despite the funding approval.