
Budget clearly signals ‘NDIS is here to stay’, with more to do on housing and economic security

People with Disability Australia (PWDA) welcomes the Treasurer’s assurance that ‘the NDIS is here to stay’ in his budget speech. However, tonight’s budget has more to do on housing and economic security measures that would bring comfort to the disability community. “We welcome the Government’s commitment to work with the disability community in implementing the … Continued

Budget Signals NDIS Is Here to Stay, More Work on Housing and Security

People with Disability Australia (PWDA) welcomes the Treasurer’s assurance that ‘the NDIS is here to stay’ in his budget speech. However, tonight’s budget has more to do on housing and economic security measures that would bring comfort to the disability community.

NDS Urges Sector Sustainability in NDIS Budget Measures

Peak body for disability service providers National Disability Services (NDS) has called for a vibrant disability sector to be maintained as part of the 2023-24 Federal Budget measures to manage the financial sustainability of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

NDIS participants say their funding — and taxpayer money — is being tied up in unnecessary bureaucracy

But replacing her worn-out cushion was far from a simple process.  “I was accepted onto the scheme for my cerebral palsy. The NDIA knows I have cerebral palsy. They know I use an electric wheelchair,” Ms Lamb said.   It started with a two-hour assessment by an occupational therapist who then had to complete an 18 page report which took her 6 hours and cost Lamb over $1,000 before her replacement cushion  was approved.

NDIA chair Kurt Fearnley on ‘fundamental’ reform of the disability scheme

The federal government is trying to contain the exploding cost of the landmark National Disability Insurance Scheme – especially difficult given the fears of vulnerable people who rely on it.  In this podcast, former Paralympian Kurt Fearnley, chair of the National Disability Insurance Authority, which implements the scheme, discusses its issues and the road ahead.

Supported Decision Making Policy

The Supported Decision Making Policy takes a rights-based approach to assist participants to make decisions in the NDIS, while building the skills and knowledge of decision supporters, NDIA staff and partners.  

NDIS cost scrutiny is intensifying again – the past shows this can harm health and wellbeing for people with disability

Those in the disability field have been expressing a sense of whiplash since Friday. Many had felt buoyed by reassurances from Bill Shorten, minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), at the National Press Club the previous weekthat a reboot would ensure the scheme was “here to stay”. Yet a week later, the word from the National Cabinet meeting of state and territory leaders, was that NDIS growth would need to be constrained in order for the scheme to be sustainable.

NDIS mental health toolkit

The toolkit is designed for people with lived experience of the mental health system who use or are eligible for the NDIS’ under the psychosocial disability stream.  It has information and worksheets to help you know your rights, speak up for yourself and be the strongest advocate for what you want under the Scheme. It is free to use for all NDIS workers, mental health service workers, people supporting NDIS participants, people who are considering applying for the NDIS, and NDIS participants themselves.  

Gov to boost IT systems for detecting NDIS fraud

The government is set to allocate $48.3 million in next month’s federal budget for anti-fraud measures around the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), including new IT systems.