
No disability abuse investigations despite ‘lots of complaints’

Victoria’s disability services commissioner has defended his decision not to conduct any investigations in the past four years, despite receiving “lots of complaints” about the state’s biggest disability services provider, Yooralla.    

Inspiration porn disables people with disability

In 2014, a disabled woman named Stella Young took the stage at TEDx in Sydney and introduced the audience to the concept of inspiration porn. She explained that disabled people are most commonly seen only in stories and images that pornographically “objectify one group of people for the benefit of another group of people.”

Shining a light in dark corners

There is much to be gained by drawing the curtains from public institutions, by exposing their failings and wrongdoing. That has never been more apparent than it is today. A plethora of royal commissions and independent inquiries at state and federal levels are examining corruption, perversion, misconduct and malfeasance by public officials or by those … Continued

Disability Discrimination Act 1992

The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) makes it unlawful to discriminate against a person, in many areas of public life, including employment, education, getting or using services, renting or buying a house or unit, and accessing public places, because of their disability. Disability discrimination occurs when a person is treated less favourably, or not given the same opportunities as others in a similar situation because of their disability.

Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006

The Charter is a Victorian law that sets out the basic rights, freedoms and responsibilities of all people in Victoria.  There is twenty fundamental human rights protected under the Charter and the relationship between government and the people it serves is described.  It requires public authorities, such as Victorian state and local government departments and agencies, and people delivering services on behalf of government, to act consistently with the human rights in the Charter.

Open Drum: we need a radical rethink on disability

As I leave the disabled bathroom behind, a mother glares at me. “You shouldn’t be using that,” she says. “That’s for disabled people only.” When this happens, as it regularly does, I always feel torn. On the one hand, I’m grateful that someone has thought about the disabled members of our community. They are trying … Continued

What has changed since disability care scandal of the 1980s and ’90s?

Despite rapes, deaths and neglect in care, the disability sector is obsessed with self-protection. The Age has recently detailed horrendous events that occurred in a disability house in the 1980s and 1990s. The question that cannot be avoided is: what has changed? Max Jackson is a consultant in the disability sector and former chief executive … Continued

‘Harrowing stories’ to come out of inquiry into disability abuse: Greens

Victims of alleged abuse in care are expected to give “harrowing” evidence at an the inquiry into the abuse of disabled people in institutions and homes in Australia, set to start in Perth on Friday. “I suspect it will be shocking and harrowing, but hopefully the evidence is too strong for the federal government to … Continued