
Sex, disability and humour

There are many myths and assumptions around sex and disability. People with physical or intellectual disabilities in today’s society are often regarded as non-sexual adults since sex is very much associated with youth and physical attractiveness. It’s therefore easy for disabled people to be influenced by these myths and believe they don’t have a right … Continued

Forget your wheelchair?: What no one with disability should ever be asked

Justine Van Den Borne and her teenage daughter spotted the note on their windscreen as they were driving away from a shopping centre, after a pleasant morning together. “Did you forget your wheelchair???” it said (and was placed directly above her disability parking permit on the dashboard).

Human rights obligations for the private sector

The international human rights regime was originally designed to protect individuals against the exercise of power by states. Yet, with global developments like the privatisation of government and the internationalisation of supply chains, the rights of individuals are increasingly at risk from an altogether different actor – the private company.

Think the disability inclusion movement isn’t about you? Think again.

Segregation in separate housing, sheltered workshops and in other forms of community life was long deemed to be the best way to treat those with disabilities. But today, the tide has changed: separate is no longer equal. The movement for disability inclusion is premised on the belief that those with disabilities are entitled to lives … Continued

Jane’s Story: A family perspective on group homes

‘Jane’s Story’ is a short video that tells the powerful real life story of Jane and her son Nick. Focusing on the challenges they faced when Nick first moved into a group home, Jane talks about her memory of when Nick’s disability was first diagnosed and he challenges they faced when Nick wanted to move … Continued