
Parents with disability and their experiences of child protection systems

The report states that the combination of disability and risk is one of the most explicit forms of discrimination parents with disability face. This is magnified for First Nations parents with disability. The findings indicate that law, policy, practice and funding reforms are necessary for parents with disability to uphold their human rights and look after their children where practicable. Twenty-seven recommendations are made in the report.

Charter of Rights of Parents with Disability in their interactions with Child Protection System

The Charter was released in February 2023 and aims to improve outcomes for parents and carers with disabilities who come into contact with Child Protection in Victoria. The Charter recognises that parents and carers have the right to a relationship with their children. In this session, Miranda Bain, the Funds In Court Human Rights Advisory Committee Deputy Chair, Susan Arthur, representing Positive Powerful Parents Self Advocacy Group for parents with intellectual disability, Frederikke Jensen, the Advocacy Manager at VALID and Denise Boyd, Executive Officer at, STAR Victoria, discuss the principles and design of the Charter and how it works operationally. Is it effective as an advocacy tool? Does it uphold the rights of parents with disability when they come into contact with the child protection system?

Charter Of Rights For Parents And Carers With Disabilities Involved With Child Protection In Victoria

The Charter aims to improve outcomes for parents and carers with disabilities who come into contact with Child Protection in Victoria. The Charter recognises that parents and carers have the right to a relationship with their children. Child Protection has a legal responsibility to promote your child’s best interests’ and safety, and throughout their involvement … Continued

A quest for dignified health care for women with disabilities

Sexual and reproductive health services are often inaccessible to women with disabilities for many reasons, including attitudes from health providers and a lack of physical access. In this story, a woman with disability talks about her experience giving birth and how it drives her activism today.

Connecting the dots: Understanding the DFV experiences of children and young people with disability within and across sectors

This report highlights implications for improving policy and practice across intersecting disability, child and violence domains. It begins to address one of the evidence gaps identified in the 2020 interim report of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability. Disability services are regularly and notably absent from cross-sector collaborative responses to domestic and family violence, and a lack of understanding, resources, awareness of or education about people with disability has led to a lack of “disability literacy” among mainstream services. Alongside this, disability services lack expertise around violence.

Children with disabilities are being exposed to violence at astonishing rates, yet are falling through the cracks

The impacts are immense: there’s up to a year-long wait for support services, with families struggling to find accessible housing or use disability support services while in crisis. Australia’s child protection system is fractured and outdated, experts say, with a focus on reporting and removing children from their homes rather than addressing underlying issues.

Parents With Intellectual Disability Need More Support

With the right help, parents with intellectual disability can and do learn what it takes to be a good parent. But their efforts to keep their family together can be undermined by disjointed services and the separation of parenting responsibility from disability needs.

People with intellectual disability can be parents and caregivers too – but the NDIS doesn’t support them

Child protection statistics are a sober reminder of the vulnerability these families face if they fall between the cracks of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and mainstream support services. Parenting should be treated as an activity of daily living for people with disability and then supported – rather than ignored – to ensure the best outcomes for parents and children.

Regulated restrictive practices for children and young people

The CYP guide is based on the conditions outlined in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018 and has been developed “to acknowledge that children and young people with disability require special consideration and safeguarding in order to protect them from harm whilst actively promoting their development and upholding their legal and human rights.”

First Nations people with disability raise injustice, discrimination at RC

“We are among the most seriously disadvantaged members of the Australian community, and are also experts on the impact of policies on us,” says First Peoples Disability Network Chief Executive Officer Damian Griffis. “This week, a number of First Nations people with disability will give evidence about the different racist and ableist systems that harm our children.”