
ABI Wise App

This App is for mobile devices and contains heaps of information about how to live well with your brain injury or stroke. It features weekly tips, from people who know best, on how make your brain injury work for you, not against you. There are also personal stories of ABI (Acquired Brain Injury), guided meditations, important ABI dates and useful contacts and organisations.

A different way of thinking

What if the world stopped seeing autism as abnormal? Many people with Asperger’s syndrome or autism embrace their condition. They seek respect for ‘neurodiversity’, not a cure.

Just Ask Us

The Victorian Ombudsman has produced a video with contributions from many Victorian advocacy organisations that shares information about how government employees can be more helpful and respectful.

A song for sex rights

Everyone likes to have their voice heard, but not everyone is heard equally. Rainbow Rights is a self advocacy group for people with an intellectual disability and who happen to be LGBTIQ+. They’ve just recorded a song to let the world know that they have the same rights that everyone else does.

Putting disability and leadership in the same sentence

When disability advocate and entrepreneur, Christina Ryan, realised workplace programs helping people with disability into leadership roles were non-existent, she got angry. And then she started the Disability Leadership Institute, an enterprise that coaches, trains and supports people with disability into decision making and leadership roles.

Call Me Harrison

Closing date: December 12, 2018

Airs Monday November 12 on ABCTV and iview
When former Deputy Prime Minister Tim Fischer and his wife Judy learned that their young son was autistic, they were told he would probably never have a job or live independently.

Supporting You – Supporting Students

This clearing house facilitate successful outcomes and improved educational experience for students with disability by  providing information, advice and resources to disability practitioners, academics, teachers and students on inclusive practices within the post-secondary education sector.

Voice at the Table

The resources developed as part of this project provide practical consumer participation information, ideas and resources which can be used by service providers, governments and community organisations to ensure people with cognitive disabilities have a ‘voice at the table’ and participate equally at all organisational levels.