
‘Nothing About Us Without Us’: 16 Moments in the Fight for Disability Rights

The disability civil rights movement has many distinct narratives, but the prevailing themes are of community, justice and equity. As with every other civil rights movement, the fight for disability rights is one that challenges negative attitudes and pushes back against oppression. But it is also more complex.

5 Things Everyone Should Know About People With Disabilities

What do you really need to know about disability? If you’re not disabled yourself, and don’t have a child, spouse, brother or sister, or parent with disabilities, how knowledgeable and up to date on disability issues are you expected to be?

Quiet housing revolution slowly giving Australians with disabilities more options

Under this new housing model, multiple apartments in a complex are built with features such as reinforced concrete for wheelchair hoists, voice recognition technology to open blinds and doors, and accessible bathrooms. There’s also a concierge with an on-call support worker to assist residents when their own carers clock off. Residents can choose their own support workers and use their NDIS funding to pay them.

How to better represent disability in the media

How often do you see a person with a disability reporting the news or telling their own stories? The media frequently reports stories about people who live with a disability, rather than allowing people to have their own voice. So how do we change that?

We Need To Stop Patrolling The Borders Of Disability

Deciding who is and isn’t disabled, who does and doesn’t deserve accommodation, is complicated. Most efforts to distinguish fakers from “real” disabled people usually do more harm than good.

Don’t Give Up, Use Your Superpower

Jasmine Jarvis, interviews PhD Candidate Jerusha Mather as she discusses her PhD journey in medical & biological sciences, her motor function in adults with cerebral palsy research, why having cerebral palsy made her stronger, and the importance of inclusivity in STEM research.

Many people with disability opting for self employment

For many Australians, looking for work involves preparing resumes, cover letters and interview questions, but for people living with a disability you can add discrimination and managing low expectations to that list as well. Research shows many people with disability are choosing self employment, with one group creating tools to make businesses more inclusive.

Disability support toolkit for front line workers supporting people with disability who have been impacted by violence and abuse.

The toolkit has resources for frontline workers and   1800RESPECT counsellors who now provide improved support to people with disability who are impacted by violence and abuse. The Toolkit is a result of the Disability Pathways Project, which aimed to improve responses for people with disability who have been impacted by sexual assault, domestic and family violence.