Training and information resources

Advocating for Children with Disabilities in Primary and Secondary Schools course promo

Despite the numerous inquiries, reviews, and new programs being introduced in the past two decades, there is a lack of significant improvements in educational outcomes for children with disabilities in Victorian schools.  Very little useful data is collected and recurring problems in the school system, such as restrictive practices, restricted attendance based on disability, and issues with suspension, expulsion, and exclusion continues.  

Julie Phillips, Manager, Disability Discrimination Legal Service, presented this topic at the  Advocacy Toolkit session held for advocates on 16 May 2023.  This is a summary of that session and provides useful resources to assist advocates working with children with disability in the Victorian education system.

Charter of Rights of Parents with Disability in their interactions with Child Protection System

The Charter was released in February 2023 and aims to improve outcomes for parents and carers with disabilities who come into contact with Child Protection in Victoria. The Charter recognises that parents and carers have the right to a relationship with their children. In this session, Miranda Bain, the Funds In Court Human Rights Advisory Committee Deputy Chair, Susan Arthur, representing Positive Powerful Parents Self Advocacy Group for parents with intellectual disability, Frederikke Jensen, the Advocacy Manager at VALID and Denise Boyd, Executive Officer at, STAR Victoria, discuss the principles and design of the Charter and how it works operationally. Is it effective as an advocacy tool? Does it uphold the rights of parents with disability when they come into contact with the child protection system?

Ready To Go Home Resources

The Ready to Go Home resources have been co-designed and co-developed with health consumers with disability, disability service providers and health professionals to improve the hospital experience for a person with disability, and reduce barriers that contribute to discharge delays. The resources include a series of guides for people with disability and their supporters on topics including preparing for a scheduled or unscheduled hospital stay, what to expect while you are there, decision making during your stay, discharge and what happens afterwards.  An associated ‘My hospital kit’ is also available.

NDIS Appeals: Tips for writing a Parents’ Statement of Lived Experience

A popular topic that came up in the Q&A at the Advocating for your child in the NDIS appeals process event held on 15 May 2023 as part of Victorian Law Week, , was how to prepare a “Parents’ Statement of Lived Experience” in a child’s NDIS funding dispute (review application) at the Administrative Appeal Tribunal (AAT).  Here’s 10 tips to get you started…

Parenting Help Easy English

The Easy English parent guide and activity booklet are for parents with disability. They explain how parents can get help with raising their children.  The resource includes help with your baby, activities for your child, and help with paperwork. 

Towards Inclusive Practice

This resource was established to provide advice to government departments, and other large organisations, on how to be more inclusive of people with an intellectual disability. It consists of a range of helpful resources, co-designed with a network of people with an intellectual disability across Australia. They can be read individually or as a whole to help you think about and improve your own inclusive practice.

Suspensions and expulsions

School is a big part of a child’s life.  To be suspended or expelled is serious and it’s important to understand the process and your child’s rights.  When the school has a good understanding of your child and effective supports and strategies are in place, serious issues can be avoided.  There are many ways that schools and parents can work together to create the best possible learning environment for students with disability.  This information sheet refers to processes for government schools. 

Disability Rights in Real Life

In 2021, Equality Lawyers and Picture Human Rights joined forces to create Disability Rights in Real Life, a law handbook for people with disabilities, their families and supporters. ​Disability Rights in Real Life aims to provide the disability community with information on their rights and to know when they might need a disability rights lawyer. … Continued

NDIS Self-advocacy Learning Hub for people experiencing mental health issues

The Learning Hub contains resources to help people with experiences of mental health issues advocate for what they want under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). It is free to use for all NDIS workers, mental health service workers, people supporting NDIS participants, people who are considering applying for the NDIS, and NDIS participants themselves.

What inclusion means: Perspectives of people with disability

This week is National Tourette Syndrome Awareness Week – 2-8 May 2023.  Learn a little bit about Tourette Syndrome from the unique perspective of lived experience with  Jason McCurry. This is part of DARU’s ‘What does inclusion mean to me’ series. You can get more information and resources from Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia Inc. … Continued

NDIS mental health toolkit

The toolkit is designed for people with lived experience of the mental health system who use or are eligible for the NDIS’ under the psychosocial disability stream.  It has information and worksheets to help you know your rights, speak up for yourself and be the strongest advocate for what you want under the Scheme. It is free to use for all NDIS workers, mental health service workers, people supporting NDIS participants, people who are considering applying for the NDIS, and NDIS participants themselves.  

Diverse Learners Hub

The Hub is an online resource that provides information, tools and guidance on diverse learning, including:
– understanding autism and how schools support autistic students
– understanding the different types of learning difficulties
– how learning difficulties can affect a child’s and young person’s learning
– evidence-based resources, tools, and guidance on learning diversity
– professional learning and teaching resources for school staff.

Speak My Language (Disability)

This resource involves hundreds of people from culturally diverse communities talking about living well with a disability in 24 languages.  The power of storytelling is harnessed through podcast and radio to share the personal experiences, skills and talents of people living with a disability.  Many stories focus on the power of advocacy, peer support and education about legal rights.  You’ll also find Interviews with guest speakers who share information about inclusive places, activities and opportunities that all Australians can enjoy.

Toolkit: Inclusion is Everyone’s Business

This toolkit provides practical tips and resources that are easy to use.  They are designed to build the knowledge and confidence of teams working within any service or program for children so that children with disabilities and developmental delay can experience inclusive and meaningful participation in their areas of interest.  You’ll also find real-life stories of genuine inclusion experienced by children and their families as part of the toolkit.  

ECCV launches Multicultural Disability Hub

People with disability from migrant and refugee backgrounds face multiple, overlapping disadvantages and barriers and can find it difficult accessing the NDIS and other available support.  This hub was developed as a resource for people with disability from migrant and refugee communities, their families, carers, as well as the disability sector. The hub provides information about a range of programs including the disability network and self-advocacy training to empower people with disability from migrant and refugee communities.  an overview of relevant policy and  research as well as information on disability in culturally diverse communities, resources, in-language information and the multicultural disability directory is also available.