Research reports

Own Motion Inquiry into aspects of supported accommodation report

This first Inquiry focused on the experiences of NDIS participants living in supported accommodation. The Inquiry examined reportable incidents and complaints that have been made to the NDIS Commission in connection with the supported accommodation services provided by 7 of the largest providers of these services over the period 1 July 2018 to 30 September 2022. The inquiry report describes trends in issues that are occurring in supported accommodation, what is causing those issues, models of best practice to eliminate or address these issues, and how the NDIS Commission can use its powers to support the delivery of higher standards of support in these settings.

2020 Report on the operation of the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities

The purpose of the annual Charter Report is to examine the operation of the Charter in any given year – how it interacts with law and policy to protect and promote human rights. 2021 was another year of major upheaval in the lives of Victorians as they adapted to the Victorian Government’s public health responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.  This report continues to focus on the impact of COVID-19 and provides an update on the Charter issues that emerged in 2021 in relation to additional measures the Victorian Government took to protect Victorians.

Own Motion Inquiry into Aspects of Supported Accommodation in the NDIS

The Inquiry examined reportable incidents and complaints made to the NDIS Commission in connection with the supported accommodation services (specifically group homes). The Inquiry’s purpose was to enable the NDIS Commissioner to identify trends in issues occurring in supported accommodation, what is causing those issues, models of best practice to eliminate or address these issues, and how the NDIS Commission can use its powers to support the delivery of higher standards of support in these settings. 

National Disability Data Asset : Pilot test cases report

The National Disability Data Asset (NDDA) aims to connect data about people with disability in Australia together, including information about health, employment and support services. The test pilot was recently completed with New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Queensland state governments and the disability community.  The pilot tested the best ways to link data about people with disability. It focused on housing, justice, early childhood, education to employment, and mental illness and psychological distress.

State of the Disability Sector 2022

the report is based on responses from 364 disability service providers from all over the country who took part in the annual State of the Disability Sector Survey. The latest report reveals a difficult operating environment for most providers, but there are some glimmers of hope, with a cautious expectation of positive change. Notably for the advocacy sector, when asked whether there is sufficient advocacy for people the disability sector supports, 73% of survey participants disagreed or strongly disagreed, with only 14% agreeing or strongly agreeing that there is sufficient advocacy.

Complaint mechanisms: Reporting pathways for violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation

The report found that a lot of violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation experienced by people with disability is related to being segregated or institutionalised, discrimination and negative attitudes. It said that complaint mechanisms are not equipped to make systemic changes which are needed to prevent and address violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation.

Getting the NDIS back on track: A survey of people with disability

This report compiles the responses from477 NDIS participants, or a family member or friend of a participant, to a national survey conducted in July2022.  The survey asked participants what works well; what they would change; and, how the NDIS has supported them to live an ordinary life.  It is clear that participants and their allies want to replace the current pessimistic and adversarial relationship with the NDIA with a more transparent and collaborative approach  that is built on mutual trust. A range of pragmatic and clear recommendations emerged from the analysis of the survey responses.

National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and Children 2022-2032

The National Plan provides the foundation for a whole-of-society approach to end gender-based violence in one generation. It sets the direction for the next 10 years.  This National Plan is our collective commitment to a country free of gender-based violence – where all people live free from fear and violence and are safe at home, at work, at school, in the community and online. Living free of violence is a fundamental human right.

Connecting the dots: Understanding the DFV experiences of children and young people with disability within and across sectors

This report highlights implications for improving policy and practice across intersecting disability, child and violence domains. It begins to address one of the evidence gaps identified in the 2020 interim report of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability. Disability services are regularly and notably absent from cross-sector collaborative responses to domestic and family violence, and a lack of understanding, resources, awareness of or education about people with disability has led to a lack of “disability literacy” among mainstream services. Alongside this, disability services lack expertise around violence.

Access to support for working-age Australians with disability without individual NDIS funding

More than 500,000 Australians with disability receive individual funding through the NDIS to purchase services and supports to meet their disability-related needs. But the overwhelming majority of the 4.4. million Australians with disability are not NDIS participants. This research examines if and how people with disability aged 18-64 years who are not NDIS participants are finding and using any support and services they need to participate in society and the economy.

Line of sight: Refocussing Victoria’s adult safeguarding laws and practices

This report draws on de-identified stories that starkly illustrate the impact of the system failures on adults who are at-risk. It identifies gaps and failures in the current framework and makes seven recommendations to improve Victoria’s safeguarding laws and practices for all at-risk adults. The recommendations aim to ensure that we do not lose sight … Continued

New Disability Employment Support Model – Consultation report

The current Disability Employment Services (DES) programs end in June 2023. The consultation report summarises public feedback gathered via a submission process that closed in February 2021. The consultation asked for ideas on how to boost jobs outcomes for disabled people. Key issues identified were reducing jobs barriers, allowing better access to jobs services, and providing more holistic, wrap-around services and complementary supports. People with disability also needed clearer information on supports available to them as well as greater flexibility in program and service delivery.

Accommodating adults with intellectual disabilities and high support needs in Individual Supported Living arrangements

This research investigated Individual Supported Living (ISL) arrangements, which have been developed to provide appropriate and preferred homes for persons with intellectual disabilities and high support needs. Study participants highlighted the benefits of quality ISL arrangements and the challenges in developing and maintaining them. Coordination of disability and housing policies and practices will enhance the sustainability of these arrangements. This includes the need to recognise and coordinate access to affordable and suitable housing, as well as in-home support.