
The digital future of the NDIS

The dust is settling on the release of the NDIS 10 Year Review, and all our minds turn to the upcoming government response. Out of all the 26 recommendations and 139 actions, the one word coming up again and again that snuck past the headline writers was ‘digital.’

Refreshed strategy to support more NDIS participants into work

A refreshed plan of action by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is aiming to support more people with disability find and keep jobs. The NDIA has refreshed its Participant Employment Strategy 2024-2026 (Strategy) to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of NDIS employment supports.

NDIS is as popular as Medicare, study shows

Australians consider the National Disability Insurance Scheme to be a fundamental government service on par with Medicare and want fraud and waste to be fixed to ensure its sustainability, focus group research shows.

NDIS supports innovative efforts to support babies with early signs of autism to thrive

Minister for the NDIS, Bill Shorten, and WA Minister for Health, Amber-Jade Sanderson, visited Inklings, an innovative early intervention program funded for $13.8 million by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). Based on world-leading research, Inklings supports babies aged 6-18 months who are showing early differences in their social and communication skills.

Government establishes task force to head NDIS reform

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is set for reform as the federal government announces measures to heighten oversight of disability service providers. The move comes in the wake of findings from a critical review which highlighted issues with unregistered providers, including inadequate services and inflated charges to disabled Australians.

NDIS Review Urges Changes to Improve Participant Experience

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Review Final Report proposes a major shake-up of the participant pathway and experience. Accessing the NDIS, plan budgeting and implementation, and the roles the NDIS workforce will play are set to change.

What has the NDIS Review said about home and living supports?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides a critical way for people with disability to access housing and living supports. The NDIS Review Final Report has made two recommendations to reform current housing and living support, with a stated aim of improving access for all people with disability.

There is overwhelming gender bias in the NDIS – and the review doesn’t address it

The review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) released last month included welcome recommendations to better support First Nations people, understand culturally diverse concepts of disability and care, and advocacy for LGBTIQ+ people. The review acknowledges women with disability face barriers to access support and efforts to understand their experiences need to be accelerated.