Outcomes and outputs of the framework 

Organisations and individuals commented on the current outputs and outcomes of the framework. The overarching message is that while their content was agreeable, it lacked sufficient clarity to be meaningful.

The current set of outcomes is relevant and appropriate as a set of ideals. However, the framework would be strengthened if the outcomes were more clearly defined so that they could be easily measured and reported against.

Organisations funded through the National Disability Advocacy Program (NDAP) are required to submit an annual report to the Department of Social Services. Similarly, Victorian Government funded disability advocacy organisations are required to submit quarterly reports. However, neither qualitative nor quantitative data arising from such reports is broadly published, publicised or reported on. As a result these data are not able to be used to build a profile of disabiltiy in the community.

Similar issues exist with the framework’s current outputs. While the list of outputs is a good summary of what disability should achieve, the statements are relatively wide ranging and difficult to measure. For example, dot point 2 states that disability should be delivered in a transparent and accountable manner. It is not clear to whom it must be transparent and accountable, and how.

This section of the Framework may be better served by outlining mechanisms such as accreditation of organisations, quality assurance audits, and having strong legislation recognizing the role of advocacy underpinning the Framework.