‘They are not forgot, they are ignored’ Senator Steele John calls for Royal Commission to include disability care

The horror stories of neglect and abuse of people in care are not confined to older Australians living in nursing homes. Last night, Greens Senator Jordon Steele John held the Upper chamber spellbound as he read out the names of younger disabled people who have died due to extreme negligence and even violence. Jordon Steele John is demanding that the Royal Commission into aged care be expanded to include what the ‘shared horror’ that is the disability sector. ‘We have a systemic problem here and I cannot, for the life of me, understand why the Liberal and Labor parties are not taking this opportunity to step back and ensure justice is done’ says Senator Jordon Steele John

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Human Rights

Fran Kelly interviews Senator Jordan Still-Johns

ABC RN Breakfast

Date published:
Wed 19th Sep, 2018