Senior Practitioner Annual Report 2020-21

This report measures the use of restrictive practices and compulsory treatment reported by disability services. In 2020-21 environmental restraint was reported for the first time. The data showed 591 people were reported as having restricted access to some or all parts of their environment.

This is the second report to reflect substantive transition to the NDIS and reporting on the new function of authorisation. Over 2020-21 NDIS services approved applications for authorisation to use restrictive practices for 1,763 people.

There was one change of trend, involving people reported as mechanical restraint, which increased from 98 in 2019–20 to 114 in 2020–21. The increase is likely due to changes in reporting practices, where providers have become better at identifying (and therefore reporting) mechanical restraint.

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Safeguards and workforce quality

Victorian Senior Practitioner