
We need psychologists with disability working in mental health

There’s a lot of pressure on disability advocates to be mentally strong all the time. As a content creator, there’s this self-inflicted pressure to be happy. I took on the responsibility as the person who was going to cheer other people up and also raise awareness at the time, to challenge this misconception that if you have a disability, you’re constantly miserable. And because of this idea that people with disability are always miserable, their mental health needs get dismissed, the assumption being it’s normal for a disabled person to be depressed.

Ready To Go Home Resources

The Ready to Go Home resources have been co-designed and co-developed with health consumers with disability, disability service providers and health professionals to improve the hospital experience for a person with disability, and reduce barriers that contribute to discharge delays. The resources include a series of guides for people with disability and their supporters on topics including preparing for a scheduled or unscheduled hospital stay, what to expect while you are there, decision making during your stay, discharge and what happens afterwards.  An associated ‘My hospital kit’ is also available.

Ending the postcode lottery: Addressing barriers to sexual, maternity and reproductive healthcare in Australia

Under Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031, federal, state, and territory governments have committed to improving health services to create better health outcomes for people with disability.  Notwithstanding this, it was brought to the committee’s attention that people with disability continue to face a range of barriers including accessing appropriate, accessible, responsive and equitable reproductive health services and education.

Waking up with a Disability

But none tried to pose the reality before me bravely and empower me for the future. Even the doctors in my family failed to predict the complications, difficulties and challenges ensuing from this accident. The most difficult part I feel is identifying oneself as disabled and shifting your habits, ways and lifestyle from pre-disability to the post life.

Moving towards cultural safety for Aboriginal children with disability

But because of her background in Indigenous health promotion, she knew what she was looking for and what others would need. “And one of the first things that we ever did as a family after his diagnosis was basically [say] how can we support our son better and maintain his culture throughout this journey?”. Davis knew there was a gap that needed to be filled, and in 2019 she started the I Am, Movement.

VMIAC CEO Craig Wallace at the Mental Health Equity and Access Forum

VMIAC CEO Craig Wallace was at the Mental Health Equity and Access Forum in Canberra this week. He met with Minister Mark Butler and Assistant Minister Emma McBride in Canberra this week. He shares his thoughts on the announced $7.5 million in funding to establish two national mental health peak bodies, one for consumers and … Continued

Reporting suicide and mental ill-health: A resource for media professionals

Closing date: January 30, 2012

This guide aims to provide some practical tips on safe ways for discussing, reporting and publishing of content, which references mental health or mental ill-health to ensure any risks are managed while increasing the community understanding of mental ill-health.  The guide provides support and guidance to media professionals when reporting, portraying or communicating about suicide or mental ill-health.

Wait down for NDIS patients in hospital

The minister announced earlier this month that the average waiting time across Australia for NDIS participants medically fit for discharge from hospital is now 33 days. This is down from an average of 160 days in Victoria at the time of the federal election.