
Teachers fail to cater to disabled kids

Some teachers are “resisting diversity” in their classrooms and failing to cater for disabled students, the disability royal commission has been told. Special education teachers say despite some students having “complex needs”, there is no reason they cannot attend and thrive in mainstream schools.

This advocate redesigned the Disability Royal Commission website so people with disability can actually use it

“There were a lot of bureaucratic words, a lot of information about things like ‘letters patent’, which is legal jargonese which people don’t necessarily understand, or need to know. What they need to know is how they can tell their story, how they can be supported to tell their story, what they need to do, and what’s going to happen when they do it.”

Disabled children restrained at schools

More than a fifth of disabled young people have been subjected to some form of restraint at school in the past year, new research shows.

The students with disabilities excluded from our schools

For many families of children with disabilities, their first encounter with a Victorian state school is marked by “gatekeeping”. They might be encouraged to enrol their child elsewhere or told a school has reached its capacity to accommodate kids with disabilities. Maybe they’re informed of zoning issues. Obtaining the contact details for key staff and signing up for school tours might be inexplicably difficult.

Four things students with vision impairment want you (their teachers and friends) to know

Schools are set up for students who can see. But around 3,000 school-aged children in Australia have a vision impairment – 300 of these have a severe vision impairment or are blind. These children are generally educated in mainstream schools, sometimes with little support for their needs.

The authors interviewed 15 students aged 7-14 with a vision impairment attending state, Catholic, and independent schools. They also interviewed their parents and teachers.

Studying in Australia as a Disabled Student

This online guide will help you define what specific needs you will submit to the disability support service running at your university and will help them effectively meet your disability-related demands. The range of services that disabled students need is wide and often specific to an individual, and sometimes unintentionally universities’ disability support services may … Continued

Supporting You – Supporting Students

This clearing house facilitate successful outcomes and improved educational experience for students with disability by  providing information, advice and resources to disability practitioners, academics, teachers and students on inclusive practices within the post-secondary education sector.