News and blogs

Psychosocial disability definition causes confusion among NDIS applicants

People with a mental illness must demonstrate a psychosocial disability to be eligible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), however a recent survey has revealed most respondents do not know what that means.

Access and Inclusion is Good for Business

Inclusion Not for Profit, the Australian Network on Disability, has launched a new video illustrating the business case for the inclusion of people with disability in all aspects of business – as employees, customers and stakeholders.

Human Rights questioned as National Disability Insurance Scheme set to launch in Melbourne

Disability advocates have raised serious human rights concerns  about  the  way  National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plans are set up for people with profound disabilities. But amid the anticipation, Moorabbin-based advocacy group Communication Rights Australia says many people who can’t communicate verbally are being “left out” of the consultation ­process.

NDIS countdown: Have you forgotten something?

In all the buzz about new technology and the start of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Not for Profits need to go beyond attempting baseline survival and remember that their staff are their most important investment.

Royal Commission sends NDIS a message on violence

When asked earlier this week about the Government’s intended response to last year’s Senate Committee Inquiry that uncovered appalling instances of violence, abuse and neglect against people with disability, a spokeswoman for the Federal Social Services Minister said the Government was taking the inquiry’s findings and recommendations into account, as it developed a quality framework … Continued

Facebook automated captions improve accessibility, provide additional insights

Yesterday, Facebook announced the release of automatic alternative text – or automatic alt text – for images posted to Facebook. Automatic alt text uses object recognition technology to generate a description of a photo, processing each through Facebook’s artificial intelligence engine to establish image content.

Making the most of the NDIS $700 million housing budget

Each year, 200 Australians under the age of 50 are admitted into nursing homes. Young people in aged care facilities have limited opportunity to make the everyday choices that most of us take for granted such as the time we go to bed and the food we eat. Their lives are characterised by boredom and … Continued

Financial models for NDIS housing – NFP report

Using the NDIS to address the large housing shortage for people with disability will depend on the ability of housing providers to access significant amounts of capital from the private financial market, according to a new analysis.