
Change Agents: Rhonda Galbally and Bruce Bonyhady on the birth of the NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the biggest social reform in Australia this century. By 2022 it will help half a million people access comprehensive disability support at a cost of around A$25 billion. On this program, two of the NDIS’ founders explain how they developed something so radical and comprehensive and then won … Continued

Former carer says she was directed to tie up disabled woman

A disability advocacy group believes the use of restraints against disabled people is still a “daily occurrence” as a former support worker in Canberra came forward to share her horror at being told to tie up a severely intellectually disabled woman with ropes for 30 minutes at a time.

When the NDIS becomes a lifeline

I support the right to assisted dying, but I also worry that people will look at me with my crooked and paralysed body and make that decision for me. The support provided by the NDIS ensures people like me also have the right to live, writes George Taleporos.

10 Badass Disabled Women You Should Know About

Disabled people deserve to know, from our school days, that we’re not just cases, diagnoses, or “not really disabled”; we’re part of a community with its own histories and triumphs. So to help you (and twelve-year-old me) gain a better understanding of disability than “just ignore it,” here are ten disabled women whose names you … Continued

Disability scheme deserves all our support

On the first of this month a quiet revolution took place as the National Disability Insurance Scheme began its nationwide roll-out. The moment is no less monumental for the lack of fanfare surrounding it. The NDIS will make a world of difference for the more than 460,000 Australians with disability, and for their families and … Continued

UN asked to probe ‘school system in crisis’

The United Nations has been asked to investigate dozens of incidents involving assault against children with a disability in Australian schools. The request was made by a group of disability organisations acting on behalf of 55 families, who sent the request to the UN’s Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities

Podcast: Who’s missing out on the NDIS?

Despite the $22-billion-per-year scheme, not all Australians with disability will benefit – some will be eligible but won’t receive the support they are entitled to, while others simply aren’t covered despite having “significant and ongoing support needs”. This is the second of a 3 part series on the NDIS.

Uncertainty continues for institution’s residents as NDIS approaches

The closure of Bendigo’s institution for people with severe disabilities is almost complete, but there is continued uncertainty about how the former residents will be cared for once the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is rolled out. The Sandhurst Centre in North Bendigo is being closed and its 30 residents are being moved into five … Continued

NDIS ‘a new risk’ for disabled kids

Children with disabilities could face new risks under the $22 billion National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), a national inquiry has been told. Gail Furness, SC, counsel assisting the royal commission into institutional responses to child sex abuse, said greater choice and control under the NDIS, which is being rolled out across the nation, means “the … Continued