Disability Advocacy and the NDIS

NDIS journey - Shows the four stages of the NDII journey, Applying for the NDIS, Planning, Plan Implementation and Plan Review.
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In this short course you will learn about how the role of Disability Advocacy intersects with a Participants NDIS journey, and how this role differs from those of Local Area Coordinators and Support Coordinators.

After completing this course you will have a better understanding of:

  • The different roles in the NDIS and what they are responsible for.
  • How the roles are funded.
  • What areas of the NDIS are putting extra pressure and stress on Disability Advocates.
  • How to pushback and manage scenarios where advocates are asked to do things that are not their responsibility.
  • What disability advocates do and do not do with regards to the NDIS.



The NDIS Journey – Planning

Next step is the planning meeting. At the end of this the participant has a support plan. Sometimes it’s not quite right. That’s when an advocate can help.

The NDIS Journey – Plan review

It’s time for a new plan – either because the the review date is coming up or due to a change of circumstance. Advocates can help when the participant isn’t happy with these processes.


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