Strengthening Disability Advocacy conference 2012
Disability advocacy and the legal system: You be the judge!

Monday 26 & Tuesday 27 March 2012 @ Melbourne Park Function Centre

Richard Coverdale

Photo of Richard Coverdale, Director, Centre for Rural Regional Law and Justice, Deakin University

Director, Centre for Rural Regional Law and Justice, Deakin University


The Centre undertakes research and policy/law reform activities focussing on the delivery of legal services and programs to people living in rural and regional communities.

Before establishing the Centre, Richard worked as a Research Fellow with Deakin University School of Law, undertaking a number of research projects on rural law and justice issues.

Prior to this, Richards work included, Director of Publishing with the Victoria Law Foundation and managing the Foundations Rural Law Online website.

Richard has had extensive experience working in the community sector including the disability field. He was involved in establishing and managing Villamanta Legal Service and a publishing and consulting arm of the service. He also oversaw the establishment of Geelong Community Legal Service, the first legal service outside metropolitan Melbourne.

His early community sector experience included working in the community housing field, managing an emergency housing service, establishing housing co-operatives and participating in housing policy and tenancy law reform activities.


Rural access to justice

Monday 26th March, 2012: 3:30am - 4:30am

The role and activities of the newly established Centre for Rural Regional Law and Justice will be outlined and the findings of a recent report will be discussed.