Opening address

Opening address


Friday 14th September, 2018: 9:50am - 10:10am


The Hall


Gabrielle Williams MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Health, Parliamentary Secretary for Carers and Volunteers

MP Gabrielle Williams will present in place of the MP Martin Foley who is committed elsewhere. MP Williams will present on the importance of the disability advocacy sector working together with the Victorian Government to achieve equality and the best outcomes possible for Victorians with a disability. We would also welcome an update on your … Continued

Photo of Gabrielle Williams MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Health, Parliamentary Secretary for Carers and Volunteers

Session Summary

Gabrielle Williams MP opened by acknowledging the work of advocacy then continued by outlining some of the initiatives that have been announced by the Andrew’s Labor Government this year.  She encouraged advocates and advocacy organisations to contribute to the Advocacy Futures Plan which is currently open for submissions. This plan injects an additional $4.3m to the existing ongoing advocacy program already funded by the Victorian Government.  The  Disability Advocacy Capacity building Grants are funding 15 initiatives to further the work of advocacy with a further $1.57m.