Closing address

Closing address


Friday 14th September, 2018: 4:00pm - 4:00pm


The Hall


Wayne Herbert, Disability Activist, Author and Presenter

Wayne is back by popular demand – a prominent and outspoken international public speaker, presenter, advocate, and now writer promoting the rights of and opportunities for people with disability and people in the LGBTIQ community. Wayne is a solutions-focused thought leader. He knows there is much work to be done to improve the employment of people with disability. He knows all too well that as a country, Australia cannot let the skills and talents of people with disability go to waste. Wayne takes up speaking opportunities throughout Australia on issues of disability, diversity and human resources. Wayne’s entire career is focused on assisting people with disability into employment and training using his experience in all aspects of client relations, human resources, and business administration.

Photo of Wayne Herbert, Disability Activist, Author and Presenter

Session Summary

A wrap of the day’s proceedings and some key ‘take home’ messages with the delightful Wayne Herbert.



So how did Wayne pull up at the end of the day…


And we’ll give the last word to Colleen Furlanetto. Marie McInerney, Roving reporter for SDAC18, managed to corner Colleen at the end of the day which is great for us as she summed up the difficult conversations that were had during the day and shared some thoughts about where to from here.