The NDIS is not Medicare

The recent Centre for Social Impact Report indicated that most providers are finding one-on-one services a major challenge under the NDIS pricing, reporting: “This is of particular concern given the goals of the NDIS to improve user choice and control, with more personalised services.”

Spare a thought for the support worker who may have built a long-term, trusted relationship with an individual from which they now have to withdraw. Let alone the “NDIS participant” who may have a complex disability and struggles to understand why their support worker won’t be showing up any more.

In times of massive change it is an organisation’s culture that holds it together or splits it apart. It is culture, not pricing, that should determine the working environment: whether rosters are fair, whether workplaces are safe, and whether a quality service is being delivered to the customer.

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NDIS, Service providers

Fran Connelley

pro Bono News

Date published:
Tue 5th Mar, 2019