Support grows for royal commission into disability sector following abuse reports

Labor and the Greens are calling for a royal commission into the disability services sector, firming up a path for legislation if this year’s federal election puts Labor into government.

Pressure is growing for the royal commission after a disability watchdog said it had received almost 200 reports of abuse in three months.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme Quality and Safeguards Commission – which covers NSW and South Australia – revealed on Thursday it had received 29 reports of sexual assault against NDIS participants, and 184 reports overall of abuse or neglect.

“People with a disability deserve their own separate and dedicated royal commission,” Linda Burney, opposition spokeswoman for families and social services, said on Friday.

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violence, Abuse and Neglect

Max Koslowski

Sydney Morning Herald

Date published:
Fri 4th Jan, 2019