NDIS Planning Final Report

For years, participants, advocacy groups and the sector have been calling for reform in the planning arena. This inquiry, including the committee’s interim report tabled in December 2019, and the Review of the NDIS Act and the new NDIS Participant Service Guarantee (Tune Review) make broad-ranging recommendations to address long-standing issues with the planning process.

committee made 14 recommendations in its interim report and it makes another 42 recommendations in this final report. These recommendations are intended to bring greater transparency, consistency and accountability to how the NDIS is administered and implemented.

Many issues identified in this report have arisen because many participants never meet with the NDIA delegate who makes decisions about the content and funding of their plans. The Australian Government in March 2020 began the national roll-out of joint planning meetings, which involve the participant meeting with the NDIA delegate and, if relevant, their Local Area Coordinator or Early Childhood Early Intervention partner, and seeing a draft plan. The roll-out of joint planning has been paused because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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NDIS, Policy reform

Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme

Commonwealth of Australia

Date published:
Tue 1st Dec, 2020