
Toolkit: Inclusion is Everyone’s Business

This toolkit provides practical tips and resources that are easy to use.  They are designed to build the knowledge and confidence of teams working within any service or program for children so that children with disabilities and developmental delay can experience inclusive and meaningful participation in their areas of interest.  You’ll also find real-life stories of genuine inclusion experienced by children and their families as part of the toolkit.  

We Can All Be Leaders Podcast

The podcast series talks about the importance of young people’s involvement, advocating as young people with disabilities and being in feminist spaces where disability is not always at the forefront. Listen and get transcripts online or find it on your preferred podcast app including, Spotify, PodBean and more!

Outcomes associated with ‘inclusive’, ‘segregated’ and ‘integrated’ settings for people with disability

The research report looks at what should be done to make a more inclusive society that supports people with disability to be safe and independent. It considered several questions about inclusion and it found that inclusion is more than just being in the community physically.  Inclusion is when people with disability feel welcome and know they belong, are safe and can speak up and have their say.

Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031 Outcomes Framework: First annual report

The report provides an overview of all measures being tracked under Australia’s Disability Strategy at ‘baseline’ – that is, when the Strategy began in December 2021. Moving forward, baseline data will be the point of comparison against which changes for each of the measures will be compared over the life of the Strategy.

Accessibility at Sydney Laneway Festival leaves music fans with disability feeling unwelcome

Festival-goers want music festival organisers to improve accessibility at their events, following a series of blunders at this year’s Laneway Festival. Patrons have told Hack that security at the Sydney leg of the festival were turning away people with disability from their accessible viewing platform, even when they provided correspondence from organisers granting them access to the … Continued

New guideline to support wellbeing of children with autism

The federal government has announced the country’s first national practice guideline to support autistic children in their early years. The National Guideline for Supporting the Learning, Participation, and Wellbeing of Autistic Children and their Families was developed by the Autism CRC in accordance with the National Health and Medical Research Council’s framework for best practice … Continued

Experiences of ABI and Inclusion report

The report, Experiences of ABI and inclusion: Reflections on inclusion drawn from lived experience is part of OPA’s submission on how we can become a more inclusive society.

We need heart in the conversation about social inclusion

There’s no question Australia needs to be inclusive of all abilities. However, there’s an exceptional irony in the parameters currently being set; they exclude a large cohort from the picture: people living with an intellectual disability (PWID).

Reporting suicide and mental ill-health: A resource for media professionals

Closing date: January 30, 2012

This guide aims to provide some practical tips on safe ways for discussing, reporting and publishing of content, which references mental health or mental ill-health to ensure any risks are managed while increasing the community understanding of mental ill-health.  The guide provides support and guidance to media professionals when reporting, portraying or communicating about suicide or mental ill-health.

Australia misses 20-year public transport accessibility target as many train and tram networks fail people with disabilities

Australia has 960 train stations, and by the end of 2017, each state was required to have ensured that 90 per cent of their stations met accessibility standards. “Across the country, we would be at best 50 per cent compliance to those standards,” said Susie Pascoe, CEO of Sterling Infrastructure — a company that delivers services across Australia’s rail network and assesses the accessibility of stations and walkways around trains.