3.11 Built environment

During 2012-16, disability advocates reported assisting 14 people with issues about the built environment in an average three month period.

Disability advocacy Issue Built environment
Number 14 people on average per quarter
Trend generally stable
Rights under the CRPD Governments will:

  • take appropriate measures to ensure to persons with disabilities access, to the physical environment and to other facilities and services open or provided to the public, both in urban and in rural areas
  • identify and eliminate obstacles and barriers to accessibility to buildings, roads, transportation and other indoor and outdoor facilities, including schools, housing, medical facilities and workplaces
  • Develop, promulgate and monitor the implementation of minimum standards and guidelines for the accessibility of facilities and services open or provided to the public
  • ensure that private entities that offer facilities and services which are open or provided to the public take into account all aspects of accessibility for persons with disabilities (Article 9)
Commitments in the State Disability Plan The Victorian government will:

  • apply universal design approaches across a range of infrastructure, programs, projects and its suburban and Regional Development Victoria work (Key Priority 2)
  • ensure metropolitan partnership consider issues related to access for people with a disability in identifying regional priorities for community infrastructure (Action 2)



The number of reports is relatively stable. There is some evidence of an increase in the last three quarters of data, but numbers are small and more data may be required to establish if this trend will continue (figure 18).


Figure 18: Reports about the built environment