Enabling Risk: Putting Positives First

Figure depicting the 4 Essentials of Risk Enablement. Person Centred is in the middle surrounded by the four essentials. 1. Putting Positives First 2. Being Proactive 3. Staying True to Preferences 4.Minimising Harm

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This online learning resource was led by Professor Christine Bigby and Professor Jacinta Douglas from the Living with Disability Research Centre at La Trobe University.

Learning Outcomes

By the completion of this resource you will be able to:

  • Define risk, its types of outcomes and factors that influence risk-taking behaviour
  • Describe The 4 Essentials of Risk Enablement
  • Describe The Risk Enablement Process for supporting people with cognitive disabilities
  • Apply the process of risk enablement to different case scenarios
  • Describe the benefits of working in a way that enables choices that involve risk

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